a pair of white residential garage doors

Residential Garage Doors

"Gee, that's not exactly how I thought our new door would look."

That was once a lament of homeowners when they saw their garage doors in place for the first time, but thanks to the wonders of modern technology, you can now see exactly how a particular door will look on your home before you make your purchase. All that you have to do is to take a picture of your home, load the picture on to your computer, and then "install" different doors until you find the one that looks best and works best for you. And if you don't have a picture of your home, you can still see how different residential garage doors will look by using the sample home on the website. The choices are plentiful, and looking at them is fun, so just click on the links below and use your imagination:


These sites will let you see exactly how different residential garage doors will look, and when you do decide on the ones that will be best for you, Leakway Door Company will order them, bring them to your home, and install them for you.

a home with an attached garage that features 2 white garage doors